A notice to men and women of the MacAfee, MacDubhsith, MacDuffee, Macfie/MacPhee Clan


Many of you are aware that our previous Clan Commander (Ceann-Cath), Iain McFie of Scotland, resigned his Commission in 2021 after being in poor health for several years. This resignation and subsequent delay in finding a new Commander, triggered a review of our Clan’s status by the Office of the Lord Lyon, King of Arms of Scotland which noted that it could find no evidence of a Clan-wide agreement on a name for the Clan. There were letters from individuals and Clan Societies but this was insufficient proof of an agreed name.

In 2023, the Lord Lyon decreed that, to move forward and nominate a suitable person as its next Commander, the Clan had to confirm one agreed name. He specified that there needed to be consensus (nearly unanimous) by Clansfolk worldwide on their preference to demonstrate unity and harmony.

The role of the Council of Presidents (CoP)

In order to guide this process, the various Macfie Clan Societies around the world formed a Council of Presidents in May 2023 with Tom McDuffee of the Clan McDuffee Society of America as its Inaugural Chair.

The Council petitioned the Lord Lyon in August 2023 informing him that the Clan was seeking a new Commander and requested that the process be started by calling a Family Convention. The Council was guided on the protocol by Dr Bruce Durie, Genealogist and Heraldist who has been hired as a Process Consultant to advise the Council in its dealings with the Lyon Court, and the petition was approved by the Council in August and September 2023.

Supervising Officer

In late December 2023 the CoP received confirmation that its Petition had been accepted by the Lord Lyon who subsequently appointed Carrick Pursuivant of Arms, Prof. Gillian Black as the Clan’s Supervising Officer (SO) to oversee the process.

Changes in the process of nomination of a Commander

In the past only armigers (those individuals with Scottish arms) were entitled to indicate their preference for the Commander nominee. In December 2021 the current Lord Lyon published Guidelines on the updated process which invites all those ‘of the name’ to make their choice. They do not need to be members of Clan Societies but do need to able to prove that they are entitled to call themselves MacAfee, MacDubhsith, MacDuffee, Macfie/MacPhee or another acceptable name, either by birth or by adoption. Married couples have one vote and participants need to be over the age of 18.

A list of surnames commonly accepted has been published on various Clan websites and in various newsletters.


What happened to the preferred name selection Round 1?

In July 2024 Clansfolk worldwide were asked to state their preference for one of three spellings: MacDuffee, Macfie and Dubhsith (the ancient Gaelic spelling of the earliest person to hold the name) referred to as Round 1.

Sadly, the procedure was compromised by the actions of a few participants. These included the widespread promotion of one particular Clan Name; the circulating of some false information via social media; and disrespectful, even abusive emails sent to members of the Council. This was in breach of the Lord Lyon’s specific requirements that there was to be no lobbying for preferences and no interference with the process.

Unfortunately, these actions demonstrated discord and placed the Clan at high risk of a time penalty by the Lyon Court which could bar it for many years from submitting a new petition to settle the Clan Name and to identify a candidate for Clan Commander.

After much discussion the Council decided to declare the data from Round 1 invalid and to submit a request to the Lyon Court via our Supervisory Officer for more time to complete the process. Fortunately, this plea was accepted and the Clan avoided a time and financial penalty.

Objectives of the next round

With the Council’s request now approved, the Clan has agreed to adopt the following worldwide objectives. To:

-      communicate a new timeline to Clan members for the process of settling the name;

-      clearly communicate eligibility requirements for participation to submit a preference;

-      encourage all Clan members to review all available information on the process;

-      communicate this action worldwide via postings; and

-      select a Clan Name with an overwhelming consensus.

This may take up to a year to complete (November 2025) and, as before, will require adherence to high standards of integrity and transparency, as well as a consensus (general agreement) on one Clan Name before it can begin the process of identifying a Commander.

These process guidelines, rules and expectations for settling the Clan name are set by the Council and the Court. The preference for the Clan name is solely decided by input from the Clan.

How does the Clan resolve its differences regarding its name?

As there was no clear preference for any of the choices of name that the CoP put forward, the Clan may find itself in a stalemate. However, if it wants to survive as a recognised Clan this issue must be resolved.

One option to overcome this deadlock is that the Clan is called Clan Dhubhsithe (pronounced Dtooh-she) or MacDhubhsithe (pronounced Mac-vhoo-hee). These are the original Gaelic names and encompass all spellings and variants. The Council supports this approach as generally more acceptable and truer to our heritage. It is the way many clans have resolved their differences with regard to name variants.

Clan societies would be free to use whatever name variant they preferred, with reference to the formal name if they so choose.

The ‘Upside’

Although Round 1 seemed to be an unfortunate waste of time and effort, it has proven to be successful in one way at least: it has brought the needs of the Clan worldwide to the fore and highlighted the necessity for Clansfolk to work in harmony if it is to have a future.


Please read the communication from the Lyon Clerk, Russell Hunter, which can be found on this website.

The Council appreciates the efforts of everyone who took part in the first round and asks for their forbearance in trying to get a successful outcome the second time around.


Council of Presidents

22 November 2024


The Search for a Clan Commander (Ceann-Cath) & Settling the Name of the Clan